JUDO Films:

Chapter 1-OSOTO-GARI. One of the favorite Yamashita’s throws. In the film Yamashita shows this throw clearly, from different positions. Separate theme - uchikomi for osoto-gari. All Showing in motion and at a high pace. As an example, selected good moments from the competition. Yamashita showed combinations for this throw: OSOTOGARI-SASAETSURICOMIASHI. OSOTOGARI-OUCHIGARI
Chapter 2 - USHI-MATA. A detailed analysis of all technical situations. Besides he showed some important points for uchi-mata. Uchikomi and exercises to practice the throw. Combinations of this throw: OUCHIGARI-UCHIMATA.
Chapter 3 - SHIMI-WAZA. In the foreword to the detailed explanation Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki said that according to statistics Yamashita is most in the world won this technique. To study this technique there is no more understandable explanation. Everything is in series and available for home viewing and studying in the gym.

Chapter 1. Kosoto-gake.
This is an interesting embodiment of the throw. Moriwaki is excellent demonstrator. At the same time with this method Moriwaki has shown how to perform the Kouchi-gari technique. In explanation, he drew attention to the movements of the legs, body rotation, the preliminary and final grab.
Chapter 2 Ippon-seoi-nage.
Moriwaki has shown some of his embodiments of this technique. In explanation, he drew attention to the movements of the legs, body rotation, the preliminary and final capture.
Chapter 3. The fight for grab.
This is a very important theme of Judo. About this side of the fight much has been said, but a little is shown. Moriwaki explained in detail this theme.

FUJII has interesting way of fighting that probably helped him become a four time world champion. In the film, he showed a technique to throws Seoi-nage and Kouchi-gar i, as well as several combinations with throws tomoe-nage and tai-otoshi. It should be noted that the performance of these throws is differs from other masters of judo. This film is designed primarily for coaches and athletes who have a good level of competitive training. Fuji’s fight needs to study carefully and long. One or two viewing only give an overall picture.

This is the first DVD of the series "Stars of the Japanese judo." Main content of this film is TOMOE-NAGE throw training.K.Kashiwazaki the best master of performing this throw not only in Japan but around the world. The first chapter is devoted entirely to this throw. In the film, you will see six variants of the throw, see methodical exercises for study tomoe-nage, and also some preparatory tasks to the trick. A separate section is a combination of action for throw: tomoenage-sasaetsurikomiashi, tomoenage-uchimata, tomoenage-Udehishigijujigatame. The second chapter is devoted to Hikikomi-gaeshi iwazaki throw. Only K.Kashiwazaki can perform this throw by this way. Unusual variant. The third chapter is devoted to OUCHI-GARI throw. This is a personal version of Kashiwazaki. Unusual for a traditional judo. Performing a throw he uses all parts of the body including the head.

Compilation is based on seminar held in Canada in 2011.
Film 1. Exercises to technique Nage Waza - seoin-age, ippon-seoi-nage, kouchi-gari 65 min.
Film 2 . Exercises to technique Nage Waza –sasae-tsurikomi-ashi, ouchi-gari,deashi-harai, okuri-ashi-harai 48 min.
Film 3. Exercises to technique Nage Waza – uchi-mata 50 min.
Film 4. Basics of ground fighting. Ne Waza. Movement. Changing positions of attack and defense Roll overs. 58 minutes.

Chapter 1 SEOI-NAGE. The way Katzuki offers to do throw seoinage in Russia is considered wrong and in this version is not taught. The whole chapter is devoted to a detailed explanation and display of this option. If you look very closely, it becomes apparent that this variant of performance is very effective. Katzuki slowly shows in detail each part of throw. To study throws seoi-nage, this demonstration in Katzuki’s explanations is very affordable and clear. If, for example, to see performance seoi-nage throw from another Japanese master Hiroshi Katanishi, there a completely different way of performing and teaching. If you work a coach, you need to explore this option it is a school Japanese judo. In 1979 Kiet Katsuki became the world champion.
Chapter 2 KOSOTO-GARI. This is another side of judo. Kazuki shows in detail the situation where performance of this throw is possible and it is quite interesting.

One of the best Japan's coaches. He specializes in throws Osoto-gari, Ouchi-gari, Tai-otoshi.
The first part of the film is devoted to the osoto-gari method. Kawahara examines in detail the following themes for this throw:
• In which direction do the throw;
• action of the main arm (working arm);
• action for "throwing" leg;
• how to break balance for the throw;
• How to perform a the throw, if the opponent is bent.
If you look closely, you can see how to use your shoulders during throw.
The second part of the film is devoted to the tai-otoshi method. Kawahara examines in detail the following themes for this throw:
• how to place your legs to throw correctly;
• how to hold body during a throw;
• How place "throwing" leg.
The third part of the film is devoted to the ouchi-gari method. Kawahara examines in detail the following themes for this a throw:
• direction for the throw;
• how to work with your hands and in what direction;
• where and how to make effort to arms;
• What do the hands do during the throw.
You should watch the film several times and carefully. Subtleties of throws shown by Kawahara are interesting and useful in teaching judo.
Format: educational-methodical seminar.
In the film, you will see the detailed, even in some moments, meticulous explanation. Everything is laid out on shelves and has a certain sequence. The film shows good details of technique.

Japanese judo school.
Records of workout in Japan.
Detailed analysis of technique of judo.
Chapter 1.Technique ASHI-WAZA. Deashi-harai, Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi, Ouchi-gari.
Chapter 2.Technique TE-WAZA.
Chapter 3.Technique KUZUSHI.
Koji Komati once coached the national team of Japan. That says a lot. The entire film, he constantly shows and explains. A lot of interesting things for the coach and athlete. Techniques in his performance and explanation are interesting and easy to learn. Those who have not seen the Japanese judo school will largely surprised. Perfect methodical video tutorial.

Japanese judo school.
O-soto-gari, Ko-uchi-gari, O-uchi-gari, Okuri-ashi-harai, Deashi-harai.
Records of workout in Japan.
Detailed analysis of technique of judo.
Techniques: O-soto-gari, Ko-uchi-gari, O-uchi-gari, Okuri-ashi-harai, Deashi-harai.
Classes are conducted by Hirotaka Okada, two time world champion and 3 medalist at the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992.
Here you will see a purely Japanese technique.