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A selection of instructional films on the UHI-MATA reception technique.

Фото автора: Дмитрий ПавловДмитрий Павлов

Обновлено: 30 мая 2020 г.

Kallista film offers a series of DVD’s dedicated to throw UCHI MATA. In the first chapter, you will see:

  1. Exercises for independent assignments (6 options).

  2. Exercises with a partner (6 options).

  3. Exercises three together (in threes, three persons) (4 options).

  4. Exercise «uchi komi» (4 options).

  5. Exercises for the hands to throw uchi mata (6 options).

  6. Exercises with rubber expanders (2 options).

  7. Exercises with gymnastic mat.

  8. Exercises for the supporting leg.

  9. Exercises for children.

  10. Exercises for swing of leg.

The next large section is devoted to embodiments of the throw.

  1. Throw performing by one jump (34 examples).

  2. Throw performing by 2-3 jumps (34 examples).

3. Performing a throw with somersault or rotation (29 examples).

After watching this film, you will see more than 100 examples of the UCHI MATA throw by Makarov, T. Tmenova, V. Nevzorov, T.Takimoto, D.Doulet, T.Rinner, Ya.Yamasita, K.Inoe, I.Illiadis and other athletes of the world. The film is intended to athletes of all ages, coaches and fans for judo.

Product Features

  • Standard Pal DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Autor Pavlov D.

  • Release year 2014

  • Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.

  • Payment PayPal.

  • Duration 68 min.

  • Filming location Russia.

  • Language Russian.

Kallista Film offers a series of DVD dedicated to technical actions of judo UCHI MATA. The second film covers the following topics:

Counter methods to throw uchi mata.

UCHI MATA GAESHI - (4 variants). UCHI MATA SUKAESHI - (15 variants).

UCHI MATA (10 variants).

Other embodiments of the throw UCHI MATA.

Combinations of techniques with a throw UCHI MATA. OUCHI GARI UCHI MATA - (9 variants). UCHI MATA KOUCHIGARI - (variants 4). UCHI MATA TAI OTOSHI - (variants 2).

The training seminar for throw UCHI MATA under the direction of Carlos Montero (Spain).

The detailed seminar on UCHI MATA. K.Montero shows great throw, shows the individual parts and a lot of throws from different positions.

After seeing this film, you will see more than 50 examples of throw UCHI MATA by the best athletes in the world. The film is intended to athletes of all ages, for coaches and judo fans.

Product Features

  • Standard PAL DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Release year 2014

  • Direction Judo technique.

  • Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.

  • Payment PayPal.

  • Duration 57min.

  • Filming location Russia.

  • Language Russian.

  • Author Pavlov D.

In this film, the UHI-MATA technique is analyzed. To study this technique Katanishi shows many preparatory exercises. He explains in detail how to work with feet, how to take a grab, how to help with your hands, in what position to make a throw. Katanishi shows every detail of the throw. He connects the UHI-MATA technique with other techniques. He parses any mistakes. He explains how to help the student, in order to learn the technique more easily. An interesting variant of training using a wrestler belt. Katanishi shows preparatory exercises, for mastering the technique of UHI-MATA, in pairs, three together, with an additional complication, with the wrestler's belt. Demonstration of the UHI-MATA technique, performed by Katanishi, is accessible, obvious and diverse. This is one of the most accessible techniques for explaining this technique.

Product Features

  • Standard PAL DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Release year 2012

  • Direction Seminar on judo.

  • Payment PayPal.

  • Duration 50 min.

  • Filming location Canada.

  • Language French.

  • Author H. Katanishi. D.Pavlov.



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