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Judo. A collection of films for coaches and athletes on the topic of NE-WAZA.NAGE-WAZA.

Фото автора: Дмитрий ПавловДмитрий Павлов

Seminar on ground fighting - NE WAZA.

 The film of the honored Russian coach of Judo Vladimir Yelchaninov was created in Italy in 1997. The film was restored from the Yelchaninov’s archive record. Tactics in ground fighting (ne-waza). The film was shot for coaches and athletes. Yelchaninov‘s technique is closer to the Russian school. It is a technique of years of work and most importantly, easy to apply in a competitive fight. All technical actions are strictly personal and not repeated in other films.

Product Features

  • Standard PAL DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Release year 2005.

  • Direction Seminar on judo.

  • Payment PayPal.

  • Duration 60 min.

  • Filming location Russia.

  • Language Russian. Italian

  • Author Pavlov D.V.Elchaninov

Judo for coach.Vladimir Elchaninov.Technique of throwing in position.NAGE WAZA.

Seminar on fighting techniques in standing position NAGE - WAZA.

 The film of the honored Russian coach of Judo Vladimir Yelchaninov was created in Italy in 1997. The film was restored from the Yelchaninov’s archive record. Principles of Learning grips; capture options; standing positions; tactical preparation of throw; variants of throws. 

Judo technique of Yelchaninov’s demonstration is really unusual and interesting at the same time, but most importantly it is practical. Evidence of that is his pupil Boqiev Rasul (Tajikistan). In 2008 he becomes 3rd World Champion and 3rd winner of Olympic Games in Beijing, and in 2009 won the championship of Russia. Here you will see a totally different world-class judo.

Product Features

  • Standard PAL DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Release year 2005.

  • Direction Seminar on judo.

  • Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.

  • Payment PayPal.

  • Duration 60 min.

  • Filming location Russia.

  • Language Russian.

  • Author Pavlov D.V.Elchaninov

Judo for coach. Technique of ground fighting. From Alexander Jatskevich.NE WAZA.

Seminar on technique - NE WAZA (Moscow 2002).

1 - Kansetsu-waza (attacking actions protection actions);

2 - fall overs of athlete;

3 - Shime-waza (actions of attack and defense).

Educational material is illustrated by fragments of fights of European Championship in 2002 and the World Cup 1995.

 Three time European champion, Olympic bronze medalist in 1980 (Moscow). Captain of the USSR in 1980 in judo. Honored Master of Sports. He worked as the head coach of of Belgium. Holds the title of the best coach_of European Judo in 2004, as well as the best coach of Belgium in all sports (after the Olympic Games in Atlanta.) Versatile man - leads training in Flemish, French, English, Estonian and Russian. Hardworking and purposeful. A good example is His sports biography. In 1970 he came for the first time to gym and in 1980 performed at the Olympic Games in Moscow. At that time to win in the USSR was akin to athletic feat.

 The film was shot for coaches. Ways and methods of Yatskevich’s teaching will become apparent to all athletes. On this film you can hold training sessions at the sports club or sports camp. The film is presenting only A. Yatskevich’s personal technique. In other films, this technique is not repeated.

Product Features

  • Standard PAL DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Release year 2003.

  • Direction Seminar on judo.

  • Duration 65 min.

  • Filming location Russia.

  • Language Russian.

  • Author Pavlov D. A.Jatskevich.

Judo for coach.Technique of fighting in position. From Alexander Jatskevich.NAGE WAZA.

Seminar on fighting techniques NAGE WAZA-(Moscow 2002). 

1 - special training exercises; 2 - technique of combat for the grip; 3 - protection technology from the Georgian struggle (five techniques); 4 - throws with falling sutemi-waza;

5 - deceptive and counterattacking actions.

  Educational material is illustrated by fragments of fights of European Championship in 2002 and the World Cup 1995.

  The film was shot for coaches and athletes. There is an interesting section"protection from the Georgian struggle."There is no such a detailed analysis in any another the film. Still most athletes in the world use these options. All technique actions are personal technique of A. Yatskevich and does not intersect with other movies.

Product Features

  • Standard PAL DVD.

  • Region Code DVD: 0/All

  • Production Kallista Film. Russia.

  • Release year 2003.

  • Direction Seminar on judo.

  • Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.

  • Payment PayPal.

  • Duration 70 min.

  • Filming location Russia.

  • Delivery time 2-3 weeks.

  • Postal expenses Free of charge.

  • Language Russian.

  • Author Pavlov D.A.Jatskevich.


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