Thismovieis a training toolon TAI-OTOSHIthrow.The filmis divided into13 stages.The main theme ofthe film ishow to teachchildren thetai-otoshi throw.
Step1. Legs statementfor thethrow.The firstmistakes.
Stage 2.The firstmovements(exercises for the legs).
Step3.Formingthe poseof the throw.
Stage 4. Entering to themethod(mistakes in the legs positioning).
Step7.Takingtwogrips(uchikomiforthetai-otoshi technique).
Step 8.Performing thethrow (how to throw,how towork with your hands,where to turn yourbody).
Step9.Removing from the balance(special exercise).
Step 10."throwing by"(special exercisefor wrestlers).
Step 11."throwing by"with the fall(why and howto performa throwwith a fall).
Step12. Tai-otoshiin the movement(exercise for thecompetitions).
Step13. Additionaltaskswith a rubberexpanders.
It is importantto note that alltasks and exercisesrelated to theconstantmovement ofone or twofighters.In the filmcollectedexamplesfrominternational competitions,World Championshipsand Olympic Games.The film is intendedfor children from10 years, as well ascoaches andfans ofjudo.
Product Features
Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Autor D. Rudman. D.Pavlov.
Release year 2014
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal
Duration 59min.
Filming location Russia.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language Russian.