Judo. Wrestling Technique (NE WAZA). Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki. Book + 6 dvd.

This book consists of 4 chapters.
The first chapter is about the osaekomi waza technique.
The second chapter is about the shime waza technique.
The third chapter is about the kansetsu waza technique.
The fourth chapter is about exercises and assignments.
Each chapter understands the technique, attack, defense. Kashiwazaki shows how to move from one technique to another. In a separate section, personal technique is collected, which was invented by Kashivazaki. In total, the book shows 109 tricks. Many tricks are unique and you can see them only in this book. The book intersects with DVD movies. They seem to complement each other.
The size of the book is 26x18 cm. Paperback. Photos are black and white. 175 pages. Author K.Kashiwazaki. Release year 2016.
Technician of the Japanese judo Katsukhiko Kashivazaki.
In 2009, Katsuhiko Kashivazaki conducted a judo seminar for coaches in the city of St. Petersburg. This collection contains all 5 films. Conducting a seminar, Kashivazaki touched upon three main topics: the ground fighting technique (newaza), the fight for grappling technique (kumikata), and the other techniques conducted mainly by the legs (ashi-waza). Kashivazaki is a great specialist in the technique of ground fighting. Therefore, 3 films are devoted to ground fighting and two films are devoted to judo techniques and the struggle for capture. Kashivazaki showed a lot and explained each judo technique. He always returned to the topic of children's judo. Showed exercises for teaching children. The seminar will be useful primarily for coaches working with children and teenagers, as well as for experienced athletes.
Judo world champion Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki. Japanese methods of ground fighting. Film 1.

Before you the first part of the film. The main theme of the first film is the technique and technique of performing osaekomi reception. The following options are dealt with in the film: Yoko-shiho-gatame, kami-shiho-gatame, head-tate-shiho-gatame, hon-kesa-gatame (hold on the side), kuzure- kesa-gatame (hold on the side with a grip from under the arm). In all varieties of osaekomi, he showed how to properly hold hands grips, how to put his feet, how to arrange a trunk. Kashiwazaki showed basic exercises for teaching children osaekomi techniques. The film will be useful for all lovers of judo. For young athletes, for experienced wrestlers, for professionals and coaches.
Type:Judo seminarDuration:60 min./1DVDAuthor:Pavlov D.Language:Russian. JapaneseStandard:PAL (DVD: 0/All)Year:2017Location:Russia
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. The Japanese technique of fight lying. Movie 2.

Before you the second part of a seminar. Kashivazaki has found time for various details which help to strengthen reception performance.He has shown exercises for training of children in fight lying and has answered questions of participants of a seminar. The movie will be useful to all fans of judo. For young athletes, for skilled fighters, for experts and trainers. Katsukhiko Kashivazaki was born on September 16, 1951 the Japanese judoist. The silver prize-winner of the World Cups in 1975 and the world champion in 1981. I have begun to do judo with the 5th class. After the termination of the Tokaj university Tokai began to be engaged at Ibaraki Prefectural Taga school and the University. I have finished sports career in 1982. I worked as the national trainer in England, Canada, Germany and other countries. Since 2009 he trains judo at the International university Budo in Japan. I have written the book Fighting Judo with Terence Donovan published in 1986 by the Pelham magazine. Is the author of other books on judo and several methodical DVDs of movies. The excellent specialist in technology of fight lying. The best expert in Japan in tomoe-nage throw equipment (a throw through the head).
Type:Judo seminarDuration:60 min./1DVDAuthor:Pavlov D.Language:Russian. JapaneseStandard:PAL (DVD: 0/All)Year:2017Location:Russia
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. Technology of fight by legs. ASHI-WAZA. Movie 3.

Here is the third part of the seminar. In the third film, the main theme is the techniques, conducted mainly by the legs. In Japanese terminology, this is the section ashi-waza. Explaining the footwork technique for different throws, Kashivazaki always reiterated that footwork increases the chance of dealing with a strong opponent. It is necessary to start teaching children from the section ashi-waza. Much attention in the film is given to the foot sweeps section, as well as the technique of ko-soto-gari. Kashivazaki gave this explanation for taking ko-soto-gari. According to statistics of competitions held in Japan, ko-soto-gari action is used most often. In the course of the seminar, Kashivazaki constantly addressed the topic of how to teach children these techniques, what exercises to give. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes studying techniques from the foot sweep section.
Type:Judo seminarDuration:64 min./1DVDAuthor:Pavlov D.Language:Russian. English subtitlingsStandard:PAL (DVD: 0/All)Year:2019Location:Russia
Judo. Technique of struggle for grip. KATSUCHIKO KASHIWAZAKI. Mvie 4.

This is the fourth part of the seminar. In the fourth film, the main theme is the struggle for grip. In Japanese terminology, this is the Kumi Kata section. In this film you will see how to get rid of the capture of an opponent, how to intercept the capture from the enemy, which capture is not worth taking. Kashivazaki will show some tricks for capturing and explain how to choose it. In the course of the seminar, he constantly addressed the topic of how to teach children to take grips, what exercises to give. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes studying the section gripping in judo.
Type:Judo seminarDuration:52 min./1DVDAuthor:Pavlov D.Language:Russian. English subtitlingsStandard:PAL (DVD: 0/All)Year:2019Location:Russia
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. Technology of fight lying. NE-WAZA. Movie 5.

This is the fifth part of the seminar. The seminar ends with this film. The main theme of this part is the ground fighting technique. In Japanese terminology, this is newaza. You will see several roll overs in ground fighting. Kashivazaki will explain and show from which positions the sankaku roll over is performed. At the end of the film, Kashivazaki talks about how he began to train, what difficulties he faced, how he managed to enter the world stage, how he had to change his personal technique as a result of several injuries. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes and amateurs studying judo.
Type:Judo seminarDuration:52 min./1DVDAuthor:Pavlov D.Language:Russian. English subtitlingsStandard:PAL (DVD: 0/All)Year:2019Location:Russia
The technique and methodology of judo in the performance of Katsuhiko KASHIWAZAKI 8 DAN.

Chapter 1-to-moe-nage (throw over the head with the foot stop).
In the film, Kashiwazaki showed six variants of throwing through the head. For example: an interesting option in the struggle for capture. In addition to the demonstration, Kashiwazaki showed the technique of studying the throw over the head, as well as several preparatory exercises. A separate section is a combination of actions. Here begins the most interesting. Such jumps can only be done by Kashiwazaki. He combines a throw through the head with a sweep from the inside, picking up from the inside, with painful reception. Quite unusual is the performance with a"garter hand". Fighters Sambo wrestlers like this option. This throw must be seen.
Chapter 2-Hiki-komi-gaeshi (throw over the head with a foot restraint).
From the first viewing, the usual version of the performance, but you need to carefully look at the captures.
Chapter 3-o-uchi-gari (hook from the inside).
This is not a traditional option, but a personal version of Kashiwazaki. He performs it when protecting from seizure by the neck or collar kimono. Very strong in the performance of Kashiwazaki. Effective against the capture of"fortune". Performing a roll he uses all parts of the body, including the head. Format: educational-methodical seminar.
When Kashiwazaki was asked at what age he started to practice judo, Kashiwazaki replied:"I do not know. We have a very small kimono, for about 3-4 years, for children and as soon as the kimono came up for me, I was in the hall."One of the best masters of the world in the performance of a throw over the head (Tomoe-nage). His variants still amaze even the Japanese themselves. Lightness and virtuosity of performance are worthy of imitation. In 1975/1978/1979/1980, he held 1 place in the Championships of Japan. 1981 became the world champion. He fought in weight up to 65 kg.
Type:JudoDuration:60 min./1DVDАвтор:Pavlov D. Kashivazaki K.Language:JapaneseStandard:PAL (DVD: 0/All)Year:2009Location:Japan