Sambo wrestling. The best wrestling specialist. Seminars of the best sambo wrestlers from Russia.
#sambo Watch these movies. You can get acquainted with real Russian sambo. If you like them, then you can buy them and practice at home...
#sambo Watch these movies. You can get acquainted with real Russian sambo. If you like them, then you can buy them and practice at home...
#judo Judo lessons. Training with the rubber chest expander. Exercises at home. Here is a collection of two films on important and...
#judo This is the first DVD of the series "Stars of the Japanese judo." Main content of this film is TOMOE-NAGE throw...
#sambo Sambo ("self-defense without weapons") - the national Russian struggle. It is a complex self-defense system developed in the...
Russian school of judo. Ne waza. Nage waza. 225 min.(Disc only). #judo #newaza #judocollection Seminar on ground fighting - NE WAZA. The...
Judo.Technique and methodic of TAI-OTOSHI throw. #judo #judotaiotoshi Thismovieis a training toolon TAI-OTOSHIthrow.The filmis divided...
Judo posters.120 receptions. A4 format. #judo #judoposters #judotraining Posters Judo -KU. Set of 18 pieces.A4. Posters are printed on...
Techniques and methods of Judo by the best Japanese experts.12 DVD’s -706 min. #judotechniques Kallista Film Judo. Collector's Edition 12...
Judo for coach. Technique of ground fighting. From Alexander Jatskevich.NE WAZA. #judocoach #judotechnicue Judo for coach. Technique of...
Children Judo in Japan.Film 1-2. Japanese school of judo. #judo # judochildren #judojapan Children's judo lessons in Japan. 1DVD.(65...
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. Technology of fight by legs. ASHI-WAZA. #judoseminar Judo.Actions conducted mainly by the legs. See all feedback...
Children's judo lessons. Methods of teaching children the grabs. #judo #judoprofessional #judochildren In 2016, on the basis of the...
DVD.Russian Sambo. Dmitry and Ilya Lebedev.(Disk only). #sambo #wrestling Technique of throws in sambo wrestling. Technique of ground...
Judo DVD. Children Judo lessons.5 DVD(Disc only). #judogames #childjudo #judochildrentraining #judogame #judolessons #judotechnique...
Judo. Wrestling Technique (NE WAZA). Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki. Book + 6 dvd. #judo #book #dvds #kashiwazaki #judoworkshop #judotraining...
Judo.UCHI MATA.TECHNICS.METHODOLOGY. PRACTICE. Film 1+2+H.Katanishi (Disc only). #judo #uhimata UCHI MATA. Technique. Methods. Practice....
Yasuhiro Yamashita. Stars of the japanese judo. #judo #judoyamashita #judoworkshop #judotraining #judolesson #Japanesejudo...
Judo for coach.Vladimir Elchaninov.Technique of throwing in position.NAGE WAZA. #judo #judocoach #judorussia Buy at the store. Seminar on...
Russian Sambo -14 dvd collection. 888 min. #sambowrestling #sambocollection Buy at the store. See all feedback Fantastic Service!!! Will...
Judo.Ysuhiko MORIWAKI 8DAN.Stars of the Japanese judo The international seminar. Buy at the store. #judo #judojapanese #judoschol...